ULB team
- Stijn Van Petegem
- Bénédicte Mouton
- Cindy Eira Nunes
- Annalisa Soncini
- Elliana Lamprianidou
- Louise Mathijs
- Eulalie De Lannoy
- Telma Abreu de Jesus
- Marit Van Belle
international team
- Eliana De Salvo
- Terese Glatz
- Lyda Lannegrand
- Francesca Liga
- Geertjan Overbeek
- Cyrille Perchec
- Şule Selçuk
- Nino Skhirtladze
- Bart Soenens
- Spyridon Tantaros
- Ana Tokić Milaković
- Jolene Van der Kaap-Deeder
- Gaëlle Venard
- Emilio Visintin
- Marta Żegleń
- Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck
- Grégoire Zimmermann
former team members
- Sandy Domingues
- Fabiana Gatti Fernandes
- Filippa Klint
- Julie Terache
- Katherine Gibb
- Tamar Burduli
- Frederik De Spiegeleer
- Vanessa Pina Brito
- Deniz Eren
- Rosalie Balcaen
- Alia Beydoun
- Mayssane Ghazzai
- Ida Mirkovic Knaus
- Mariam Orjonikidze
- Simon Pineau
- Sandra Schmidt Eriksson
- Inès Kasmi
- Erica Dos Santos Ribeiro
- Lou Gilson
ULB team
Stijn Van Petegem

Stijn Van Petegem
Principal investigator
Université libre de Bruxelles
Stijn obtained a PhD at Ghent University (Belgium), then spent five years of postdoc at Université de Lausanne (Switzerland), studying the psychological dynamics involved in adolescent autonomy and parental control, and more generally the question how parents may foster children’s flourishing and resilience. Today, he works as an FNRS Research Associate at ULB, where he particularly attempts to look into the broader picture of parenting, seeking to understand whether and how the societal, cultural, political and historical context shapes the way parents raise their children.
Bénédicte Mouton

Bénédicte Mouton
Postdoctoral researcher
Université libre de Bruxelles
Bénédicte obtained a PhD in psychology at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), then spent two years of postdoc at the University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), studying parental cognitions, and more specifically how parental negative attributions on their child's misbehavior impact parenting and child behavior. She also has a master in political sciences and European studies. Today, her research focuses on overprotective parenting. As a psychologist, she also has a private clinical practice for parents.
Cindy Eira Nunes

Cindy Eira Nunes
Postdoctoral researcher
Université libre de Bruxelles
Cindy is a postdoctoral researcher on the SAFE-SORRY project. She focuses her research on overprotective parenting and the associated family dynamics. She obtained a PhD in psychology at Université de Lausanne (Switzerland), where she studied parent couples seeking therapy, and more specifically, the importance of the coparenting relationship in couple therapy for parents.
Annalisa Soncini

Annalisa Soncini
Postdoctoral researcher
Université libre de Bruxelles
Annalisa obtained a joint PhD in Psychology at the University of Bologna (Italy) and the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). After having worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Ferrara for the Italian SAFE-SORRY data gathering, she is currently working as a postdoctoral research at ULB. Her research interests concern environmental and social variables that influence the learning process, teacher-student relationships and teaching practices, as well as teachers' professional development and well-being.
Elliana Lamprianidou

Elliana (Elli-Anastasia) Lamprianidou
Doctoral researcher
Université libre de Bruxelles
Elliana is a doctoral researcher on the SAFE-SORRY project. After completing her undergraduate studies in psychology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), she moved to Belgium and obtained a master’s degree in clinical psychology and psychopathology at Université Libre de Bruxelles. Interested in gender questions and intersectionality, she seeks to study parenting from a gender perspective that takes into consideration the wider social and cultural milieu, as well as the increased pressures put on contemporary parents – and especially mothers.
Louise Mathijs

Louise Mathijs
Doctoral Researcher
Université libre de Bruxelles
Following her collaboration with the SAFE SORRY team as a research visitor, Louise Mathijs was granted a scholarship from the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) which enables her to carry out her doctoral project at the Université libre de Bruxelles. In her doctoral work, she will implement a parenting program developed by the American Psychological Association called ACT Raising Safe Kids, in Belgium. Before joining the SAFE SORRY team, Louise completed her master's in psychology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and her bachelor's in the United States.
Eulalie De Lannoy

Eulalie De Lannoy
Research intern
Université libre de Bruxelles
Eulalie is a second-year Master's student in clinical psychology at ULB. Curious and passionate about the world of psychology, she would like to learn more through various internships and training courses in order to know which field to choose later on in her career as a clinical psychologist.
As a research intern with the SAFE-SORRY team, she is taking part in Bénédicte Mouton's project on eco-anxiety and climatic emotions. Eco-anxiety is an under-discussed and little-known subject, but it deserves to be given a higher profile, and Eulalie is keen to play her part.
Telma Abreu de Jesus

Telma Abreu de Jesus
Research intern
Université libre de Bruxelles
Telma is in her second year of a master's degree in clinical psychology and psychopathology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. She is currently doing a research internship with Louise Mathijs on the 'ACT - Parents Raising Safe Kids' project. She is particularly interested in the determinants of a healthy family environment and the obstacles parents may face. She also has a particular interest in gender issues, and her dissertation focuses on feminist themes. In the future, she hopes to specialize in supporting children and families.
Marit Van Belle

Marit Van Belle
Research intern
Université libre de Bruxelles
Marit is currently a second-year Master's student in Clinical Psychology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. As part of her academic journey, she is working as a research intern alongside Louise Mathijs on a project aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of the "ACT-Parents Raising Safe Kids" program. This research aligns with her long-standing interest in child protection, a field in which she aspires to build her future career.
international team
Eliana De Salvo

Eliana De Salvo
PhD student (Italy)
"Magna Graecia" University of Catanzaro, University of Messina
Eliana obtained a master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology in the Life Cycle at the University of Messina, Italy. Currently, she is a psychologist, doing an inter-university PhD in Psychology at the "Magna Graecia" University of Catanzaro and the University of Messina. Her research interests concern family relationships and specifically the well-being of parents and children in contexts such as dual career families.
Terese Glatz

Terese Glatz
Local project supervisor (Sweden)
Örebro University
Terese has a PhD in Psychology from Örebro University and is doing research on parenting and parent-child relationships. Specifically, over the last 10 years, she has published studies on parents’ self-efficacy, focusing on what explain differences between parents in their perceived influence and how this impacts their parenting practices. Additionally, she is doing research on parents’ ways of dealing with their children’s Internet use, as well as on parents’ own use of the Internet and social media.
Lyda Lannegrand

Lyda Lannegrand
Local project supervisor (France)
University of Bordeaux
Lyda Lannegrand is a Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Bordeaux in France. Her research interests are in psychosocial and socioemotional development in adolescence and emerging adulthood with a particular focus on parent-child relationships, identity development and psychosocial adjustment.
Francesca Liga

Francesca Liga
Local project supervisor (Italy)
University of Messina
Francesca is Full Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the University of Messina, Italy. Her research areas focus on different aspects of developmental psychology, particularly regarding adolescents and emerging adult’s well-being during life transitions. Her research addresses diverse dimensions of parenting style including psychological control.
Geertjan Overbeek

Geertjan Overbeek
Local project supervisor (Netherlands)
University of Amsterdam
Geertjan Overbeek is a full professor in preventive youth care at the Research Institute Child Development and Education at University of Amsterdam. His research focuses on parent and peer influences in the development of children and adolescents. His particular research interests are with parent-child interactions and how these predict social-emotional development over time, and on the effect of parenting and peer interventions aimed at stimulating positive and healthy development in youths.
Cyrille Perchec

Cyrille Perchec
Local project supervisor (France)
University of Bordeaux
Cyrille Perchec is an Assistant Professor of developmental and educational psychology at the University of Bordeaux in France. His major research interests focus on psychosocial and socioemotional development in adolescence, with a particular emphasis on the role of parenting and family relationships in adolescent development. His work is notably based on the dynamic systems approach, with a particular focus on the role of intra-individual variability in human development.
Şule Selçuk

Şule Selçuk
Assistant professor
Hacettepe University
Şule is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology at Hacettepe University, Turkey. Currently, she is working as a visiting postdoctoral researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Her research interests include parenting, adolescent development, and adolescents’ interpretations of parenting practices. In her recent studies, she particularly focuses on cultural differences in the effects and interpretations of parenting practices.
Nino Skhirtladze

Nino Skhirtladze
Local project supervisor (Georgia)
Ilia State University
Nino Skhirtladze is an assistant professor at the Ilia State University, Georgia. Her research interests include identity development, parenting practices, motivation, and culture.
Bart Soenens

Bart Soenens
Local project supervisor (Flanders)
Ghent University
Bart is a full professor at the Department of Developmental, Personality, and Social Psychology at Ghent University (Belgium). His main research interests include parent-child relationships and the role of parenting in children’s psychosocial adjustment. Much of his research is inspired by self-determination theory and he has examined the role of parenting in diverse developmental outcomes, including emotion regulation, identity formation, and personality development. He studies parent-child relationships from a dynamic and transactional viewpoint, thereby attending to underlying mechanisms explaining parent-to-child and child-to-parent effects.
Spyridon Tantaros

Spyridon Tantaros
Local project supervisor (Greece)
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Spyridon Tantaros is Professor of Developmental Psychology, Chair of the Department of Psychology of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. His research interests deal with the study of emotional and cognitive development of children, adolescents and emerging adults, as well as the relations of parenting and parental behavior with identity formation.
He has published several articles in international and Greek scientific journals and has edited several books published in Greek. He was a member of the Organizing and Scientific Committees of many national and international conferences and the Chair of the 19th European Conference on Developmental Psychology. He was the Chair the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Psychological Society and a member of several Associations on Developmental Psychology.
Ana Tokić Milaković

Ana Tokić Milaković
Local project supervisor (Croatia)
University of Zagreb
Ana is an assistant professor at the Department of Social Work (Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia), where she teaches the courses "Introduction to Psychology" and "Social Psychology". She obtained her PhD at the Department of Psychology (University of Zagreb), and she deals with the topics of family relations, with a specific interest in parenting, parent-child relationships and disclosure processes during adolescence.
Jolene Van der Kaap-Deeder

Jolene Van der Kaap-Deeder
Local project supervisor (Norway)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Jolene obtained her PhD and completed a 2-year postdoc at Ghent University (Belgium), focusing on how the social context (e.g., parents) can foster or thwart individuals’ basic psychological needs as stated within the Self-Determination Theory and how this relates to individuals’ well-being, motivation, and emotion regulation. In 2020, Jolene started working as an Associate Professor (tenure-track) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), studying the proactive role young adults can play in shaping their emotional experiences and how this can be fostered by parents, thereby also relying on longitudinal data from the Trondheim Early Secure Study (TESS) .
Gaëlle Venard

Gaëlle Venard
Doctoral-Assistant (Switzerland)
University of Lausanne
Gaëlle is a doctoral-assistant with the Family and Development Research Center at the University of Lausanne. After finishing her master's in Clinical and Psychopathology at the University of Lausanne, she worked as a researcher as part of the project « Be careful my child » led by Dr. Stijn Van Petegem. Supervised by Prof. Grégoire Zimmermann and Dr. Stijn Van Petegem, she is carrying out her thesis on parenting from the perspective of gender.
Emilio Visintin

Emilio Visintin
Local project supervisor (Italy)
University of Ferrara
Emilio obtained a PhD in Social and Personality Psychology at the University of Padova, and then spent six years as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lausanne. He is currently Assistant Professor in Social Psychology at the University of Ferrara. In his research he investigates the effectiveness of prejudice reduction strategies based on intergroup contact and cooperative learning, contextual determinants of intergroup attitudes such as ethnic and cultural diversity and social norms, and strategies to foster pro-environmental behavior.
Marta Żegleń

Marta Żegleń
PhD student
University of Warsaw
Marta is currently a PhD student at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at the University of Warsaw in Poland where she also obtained her master's degree in Psychology. For her doctoral research, she is interested in the factors driving intensive parenting from a cross-cultural perspective and has received a travel grant to visit the SAFE-SORRY team.
Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck

Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck
Local project supervisor (Australia)
Griffith University
Melanie is a developmental psychologist and Professor in Applied Psychology and the Menzies Health Institute of Queensland at Griffith University in Australia. Her research interests include child and adolescent family and other interpersonal relationships; developmental psychopathology; stress and the development of coping, emotion and regulation; appearance and appearance-related concerns; and sexual behaviour. She has published more than 250 articles, books, and book chapters and she is currently the Associate Editor of the International Journal of Behavioral Development.
Grégoire Zimmermann

Grégoire Zimmermann
Local project supervisor (Switzerland)
University of Lausanne
Grégoire is a Professor of Adolescent Psychology at the FAmily and DevelOpment research center (FADO) of the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. His research interests include adolescent/young adults family relationships; parenting ; identity formation ; and risk-taking. Today, he tries to integrate more systemic, inter-disciplinary and macro-contextual psychology to better understand and adress the numerous young people’s challenges in the transitions to adulthood in an era of uncertainty. At the same time, he questions the neo-liberal ever-increasing demands of academic life and advocates for the movement of 'slow-science'.
former team members
Sandy Domingues

Sandy Domingues
Research intern
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Sandy worked as a research intern with the SAFE SORRY team in 2022 during her first-year master’s degree student in psychology with a focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology. Her research interests include the family, especially the different styles of parenting within families and mental health aspects.
Fabiana Gatti Fernandes

Fabiana Gatti Fernandes
Research Intern
Université libre de Bruxelles
In 2022, Fabiana Gatti Fernandes worked as a research intern and first-year master’s degree student in psychology with a focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology. She is particularly interested in social and cultural aspects related to parenting and is focusing her master's thesis on these topics.
Filippa Klint

Filippa Klint
Local Project Assistant (Sweden)
Örebro University
Filippa worked as a local project assistant at Örebro University in 2022. She holds a master’s degree in psychology from Uppsala University and her master thesis focused on methods to conduct and analyze interviews with children with autism. Her particular research interests are about and for people with disabilities. She is now conducting in PhD in social work.
Julie Terache

Julie Terache
Postdoctoral researcher
Université libre de Bruxelles
Julie did her master studies in France and then moved to Belgium where she conducted and obtained a PhD in experimental social psychology at Université catholique de Louvain. She then spent a year as a postdoctoral researcher at Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), studying the efficiency of family therapies in the treatment of adolescent Anorexia Nervosa. Since the end of her PhD, she has initiated and participated in projects related to gender and sexual objectification, pro-environmental behavior, as well as activist burnout. She works as a postdoctoral researcher at ULB, where she joined the SAFE-SORRY research team. She is particularly interested in the influence of gender norms and contexts of economic inequality in overprotective parenting.
Katherine Gibb

Katherine Gibb
Doctoral researcher
Université libre de Bruxelles
Kate worked as a doctoral researcher as part of the SAFE-SORRY project. Before joining the SAFE-SORRY team at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Kate completed an undergraduate degree from McGill University (Canada) and a graduate degree from the University of Saskatchewan (Canada). Her master’s thesis focused on parents' cultural beliefs and developmental assumptions about their children’s play. In her research, she combines insights from interdisciplinary fields to examine the determinants of overprotective parenting. She has a particular interest in the influence of the economic context in shaping this type of parenting as well as the individual factors, such as the personality of the parent, which explain individual variations in parental behaviour.
Tamar Burduli

Tamar Burduli
Local Project Assistant (Georgia)
Ilia State University
Tamar Burduli has over ten years of experience working on social and economic research in Georgia. Tamar has a master’s degree in Social Psychology from Ilia State University. Her master’s thesis concerned the relationship between the views on autonomous parenting and personal values. Tamar’s main research interests include parenting, identity formation, sexual behavior, and marginalization.
Frederik De Spiegeleer

Frederik De Spiegeleer
Local Project Assistant (Belgium)
Ghent University
Frederik worked as a scientific collaborator within the SAFE-SORRY project and is responsible for the Flemish data collection. He obtained his master's degree in experimental psychology (Magna Cum Laude) at Ghent University (Belgium). His master's thesis focused on the computational modeling of decision-making and learning (i.e., reinforcement learning). During his master's degree, he also completed an internship at the Sapienza University of Rome in the field of time and numerosity perception.
Vanessa Pina Brito

Vanessa Pina Brito
Local project assistant (Switzerland)
University of Lausanne
Vanessa worked as a local project assistant at the Centre for Research on Family and Development (FADO) at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. During her last year of her master's degree in child and adolescent psychology, she worked as a graduate assistant on the team and participated in projects on parental overprotection. She is particularly interested in the impact of life experiences on the development of children and adolescents, which is why she favors working with youth and families.
Deniz Eren

Deniz Eren
Research intern
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Deniz worked as a research intern in the SAFE-SORRY team in 2023, during her first year master in psychology with a focus on Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology. She is particularly interested in the different parenting styles and family dynamics. she will write her thesis on the socialization of children conceived by GPA or PMA of gay or lesbian families.
Rosalie Balcaen

Rosalie Balcaen
Research intern
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Rosalie is a master student in clinical psychology and psychopathology at ULB. In 2023, she was also a research intern and participates in various ongoing projects. She is particularly interested in the different aspects of parenthood and family dynamics and will write her thesis on this subject.
Alia Beydoun

Alia Beydoun
Research intern
Université libre de Bruxelles
Alia is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology at ULB. Her academic interests include family dynamics and parental behaviors, and she is currently working on a master thesis in this area. During her internship, she collaborated with Şule Selçuk on her project on adolescents' interpretations of parental control practices.
Mayssane Ghazzai

Mayssane Ghazzai
Research intern
Unversité libre de Bruxelles
Mayssane is a master student in clinical psychology and psychopathology at the Université libre de Bruxelles. She is interested in everything related to children and different parenting styles, with a particular focus on the systemic family approach. For her internship, she worked with Louise Mathijs on her research project that seeks to evaluate the parenting program "ACT-Parents Raising Safe Kids".
Ida Mirkovic Knaus

Ida Mirkovic Knaus
Local project assistant (Croatia)
University of Zagreb
Ida worked as a local project assistant at the Department of Social Work (Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia), where she also obtained her master's degree in social work. Her master's thesis focused on siblings of people with rare diseases, and during her graduate studies, she also worked on research concerning adolescent mental health. Her main research interests include various psychosocial aspects surrounding families faced with rare diseases.
Mariam Orjonikidze

Mariam Orjonikidze
Local project assistant (Georgia)
Ilia State University
Mariam has obtained a master's degree in Sociology at Ilia State University, Georgia. Her main research interests concern the social structure and infrastructure of the city, and space as an actor.
Simon Pineau

Simon Pineau
Local project assistant (France)
University of Bordeaux
Simon Pineau is a PhD student in psychology at the University of Bordeaux. His thesis is about adolescents’ vocational identity, emotion regulation and relationship with parents and teachers at the time of transition from high school to higher studies.
Sandra Schmidt Eriksson

Sandra Schmidt Eriksson
Local project assistant (Sweden)
Örebro University
Sandra Schmidt Eriksson was a research assistant with the SAFE-SORRY project at Örebro University. She obtained a bachelor's degree in sociology at Halmstad University in 2021 and is currently undertaking a master's degree in sociology at the University of Gothenburg. Her research interests are in the sociological field, especially the role of religious and non-religious sects as a consequence of the fragmentation and individualization of the society.
Inès Kasmi

Inès Kasmi
Research intern
Université Libre de Bruxelles
After having completed a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, Inès was studying for an additional Master's degree in Developmental Neuropsychology. She is interested in the perception of economic inequalities in relation to parental dynamics, the theme of the master thesis she previously wrote as part of the research team. During her internship, she collaborated with Elli-Anastasia Lamprianidou on the theme of parents' perception of sexting.
Erica Dos Santos Ribeiro

Erica Dos Santos Ribeiro
Research intern
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Erica was a second year master student in clinical psychology and psychopathology at Université Libre de Bruxelles. She was a research intern and works with Louise Mathijs on her research project that seeks to evaluate the parenting program "ACT-Parents Raising Safe Kids". Erica also wrote her master thesis with Louise as a supervisor on the effectiveness of the ACT program.
Lou Gilson

Lou Gilson
Research intern
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Lou Gilson is a first year Master student in clinical psychology and psychopathology at Université Libre de Bruxelles. Her background includes a bachelor's degree in psychology and education, with a semester as an exchange student at the University of Aix-Marseille, France. Her future goal is to specialize in sexology, to break the taboos around sexuality and to free up words on the subject.
Currently conducting a research internship with the SAFE-SORRY team, she is involved in Louise Mathijs' ACT-Parents Raising Safe Kids project. She is passionate about understanding family processes that promote a safe environment for children. She is determined to contribute to the field of research while pursuing her professional aspirations and putting her commitment at the service of causes close to her heart.