We are excited about our latest publication, which involves an international collaboration led by Basilie Chevrier (Aix Marseilles University, France) and in close collaboration with Belgian, Swiss, and Georgian colleagues from the SAFE-SORRY team. In our paper, we provide a shortened version of the Multidimensional Overprotective Parenting Scale, which is an often-used questionnaire to assess parental overprotection. Further, we provide evidence that the scale can be used reliably across countries (Belgium, Switzerland, and Georgia), among different age groups (adolescents, young adults), and using different informants (youth, parents).
- 17.07.23De Morgen: “should parents be stricter in their parenting?”
- 13.02.23Le Temps: “The counterproductive fear of the teenager’s parent”
- 26.09.22Le Vif: “Overprotected children: those parents who do too much”
- 25.07.22De Morgen Interview : “Should we go back to authoritarian parenting?”
- 16.03.22Weekend issue in La Libre : “How to not be a perfect parent”
- 16.06.21“Chasing Childhood” at Docville, Leuven
- 04.12.20Interview with Daily Science : “La surprotection parentale, est-elle le produit des sociétés inégalitaires ?”
- 19.07.20Article in Le Matin Dimanche : “Surprotéger son enfant lui nuit.”
- 26.11.23Pop-up meeting: “Growing up and growing out?” (Utrecht, Netherlands)
- 15.11.23VNOP Research Days 2023 (Utrecht, Netherlands)
- 29.08.23ECDP 2023 (Turku, Finland)
- 05.07.23ISPA 2023 (Bologna, Italy)
- 28.06.23EASP 2023 (Krakow, Poland)
- 13.06.23ESFR 2023 (Roskilde, Denmark)
- 24.03.23SRCD 2023 (Salt Lake City, USA)
- 08.03.23ICPS 2023 (Brussels, Belgium)
- 22.08.22EARA conference 2022 (Dublin, Ireland)
- 15.07.22ISSBD 2022: Perceptions of a dangerous world and overprotection
- 02.06.22Conference presentations: expert meeting and BAPS 2022 (Leuven, Belgium)
- 06.09.21Advances in the transition for 16- to 23-year-olds (Brussels, Belgium)
scientific publications
- 23.03.24Journal of Adult Development: overprotective parenting & identity development
- 05.03.24Journal of Family Issues: gender equality values and parenting
- 06.05.23Journal of Social and Personal Relationships: Overprotective parenting and social anxiety symptoms
- 01.12.22Psycho-Oncologie: Parental overprotection in the context of pediatric cancer
- 16.08.22Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology: To endure or to resist? Coping with overprotection
- 02.06.22European Journal of Developmental Psychology : Short scale for measuring parental overprotection
- 23.02.22Swiss Psychology Open: Little children, little problems; big children, big problems?
- 01.12.21Two new publications: Psychologie Française, Cahiers en Psychologie Clinique
- 09.09.21Family Process: Putting parental overprotection into a family systems context