The SAFE-SORRY team will be well-represented at the next conference of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, which is organized by our sister university VUB! The conference takes place in Brussels on 30-31 May.
On Thursday, Stijn Van Petegem will chair a symposium on the consequences and determinants of overprotective parenting. During the symposium, Bénédicte Mouton (ULB) will present the results of a study on the role of parental self-efficacy in the relation between parents’ dangerous worldviews and overprotective parenting (the presentation can be downloaded here), whereas Annalisa Soncini (ULB) will share the findings of her qualitative study focusing on teachers’ perceptions of parental overinvolvement (download the presentation here). Other contributions will come from Kathy Ryan (Griffith University, Australia) and Nele Flamant (Ghent University, Belgium).
On Friday morning, Cindy Eira Nunes will chair a symposium on the persistence of gender inequalities in contemporary parenthood. Gaëlle Venard (UNIL) will first present the results fo her qualitative study on the narratives of parents of adolescents about contemporary parenting, particularly using a gender lens to understand these issues (download the presentation here). The contribution fo Elliana Lamprianidou (ULB) will focus on parents’ endorsement of gender-essentialist beliefs in relation to different types of parental involvement (download here), while Cindy Eira Nunes (ULB) will build upon this work by adressing these questions using longitudinal data (download here). The last contribution will come from Sarah Grootjans (University of Leuven, Belgium).
Later on during the day, Inès Kasmi (ULB) will present her poster on the experimental study on parents’ perceptions of adolescent sexting that is currently in preparation (download here), and Louise Mathijs (ULB) will present the results of her meta-analysis comparing the effectiveness of group-based vs. individual parenting programs (download here).
In other words, we will have a busy schedule! See you in Brussels!