Following an interview with Jonathan Holslag, the newspaper De Morgen questioned whether parents should be stricter in their parenting. With contribution of Bart Soenens (Ghent University) and Stijn Van Petegem (ULB), the article discusses how their is no empirical evidence for the oft-shared belief that parents nowadays are more permissive than ever. Read more in the article (only in Dutch).
- 04.01.25De Standaard: “parents who think the world is dangerous tend to overprotect”
- 07.01.25New publication: intensive parenting among mothers and fathers
- 19.12.24New publication: “Love, money and involved parenting?”
- 11.12.24ASPO conference 2024 (Groningen, Netherlands)
- 28.11.24VNOP Research Days 2024 (Utrecht, Netherlands)
- 21.11.24Preregistration: gender inequality and parenting
- 11.11.24research visit Amsterdam
- 08.11.24New publication: pressure to be a perfect parent
- 21.10.24Preregistration: experimental study on adolescent sexting
- 21.10.24New publication: Group-based vs. individual parenting programs
- 22.09.24Algemeen Dagblad (AD) on mobile phones and “helicopter parents”
- 16.09.24Welcoming our new research interns!
- 10.09.24Welcoming back Gaëlle Venard!
- 07.09.24Volkskrant: “Becoming an adult requires young people to make mistakes independently”
- 04.09.24Call for unpublished data on overprotective parenting
- 02.09.24ESA conference 2024 (Porto, Portugal)
- 30.08.24Visit from Ghent
- 10.08.24New publication: helicopter parenting vs. overprotective parenting
- 05.07.24IARR conference 2024 (Boston, USA)
- 17.06.24Podcast: Eco-Emois
- 05.06.24Keynote at the Polish Conference on Developmental Psychology
- 29.05.24BAPS conference 2024 (Brussels, Belgium)
- 28.05.24job opening: postdoctoral fellowship
- 01.04.24New project on eco-anxiety
- 23.03.24New publication: overprotective parenting & identity development
- 05.03.24New publication: gender equality practices and parenting
- 19.02.24Women in Science day 2024
- 01.02.24Welcoming three new research interns!
- 24.01.24Exploring contemporary parenting: Insights from Italy
- 26.11.23Pop-up meeting: “Growing up and growing out?”
- 17.11.23Have we entered the era of intensive parenting?
- 15.11.23VNOP Research Days (Utrecht, Netherlands)
- 20.10.23A Swiss visitor!
- 09.10.23Samarbete med Sverige: Research visit in Sweden
- 05.10.23Welcoming our newest team members and visitors!
- 28.09.23The 4th SAFE-SORRY questionnaire has arrived!
- 29.08.23Conference: ECDP 2023 (Turku, Finland)
- 17.07.23De Morgen: “should parents be stricter in their parenting?”
- 05.07.23Conference: ISPA 2023 (Bologna, Italy)
- 28.06.23Conference: EASP 2023 (Krakow, Poland)
- 19.06.23Master thesis defenses: some preliminary insights
- 19.06.23A visitor from Georgia!
- 13.06.23Conference: ESFR 2023 (Roskilde, Denmark)
- 08.05.23Welcome to our visiting researchers!
- 06.05.23New publication: Overprotective parenting and social anxiety symptoms
- 01.04.23Third wave of SAFE-SORRY data gathering
- 24.03.23Conference: SRCD 2023 (Saltlake City, USA)
- 08.03.23Conference: ICPS 2023 (Brussels, Belgium)
- 13.02.23Le Temps: “The counterproductive fear of the teenager’s parent”
- 13.02.23Welcome to our new research interns!
- 16.01.23Preliminary results: Flemish data collection
- 20.12.22Preliminary results of the spring 2022 data collection
- 01.12.22New publication: parental overprotection in the context of pediatric cancer
- 27.10.22Season 2 of SAFE-SORRY now available!
- 29.09.22CIVIS meeting in Aix-en-Provence
- 26.09.22Le Vif (article and podcast): “Overprotected children: those parents who do too much”
- 01.09.22Welcome, Julie (and congratulations, Cindy)!
- 22.08.22SAFE-SORRY goes to Ireland!
- 16.08.22To endure or to resist? Coping with overprotection
- 25.07.22De Morgen interview: “Should we go back to authoritarian parenting?”
- 18.07.22Internship opportunities
- 24.06.22We’re hiring!
- 22.06.22Conference presentation: Perceptions of a dangerous world and overprotection
- 02.06.22New publication : Short scale for measuring parental overprotection
- 01.06.22Conference presentations
- 01.06.22Pilot study: Preliminary results
- 19.04.22Launch of two new studies
- 16.03.22Weekend issue in La Libre : How to not be a perfect parent
- 10.03.22Call for Participants!
- 02.03.22SAFE SORRY goes international
- 23.02.22Little children, little problems; big children, big problems?
- 14.02.22Welcome to the new research interns
- 09.02.22Launch of POPAY study
- 06.01.22New FNRS grant
- 01.12.21Two new publications
- 01.12.21Our team is growing!
- 27.10.21Opening of new research centre
- 21.10.21Official launch of our first study
- 09.09.21Family Process: “Putting parental overprotection into a family systems context”
- 06.09.21“Advances in the transition for 16-23-year-olds”
- 29.07.21Chasing Childhood at Docville, Leuven
- 06.07.21Pilot study
- 04.12.20Interview with Daily Science : “La surprotection parentale, est-elle le produit des sociétés inégalitaires?”
- 19.07.20Article in Le Matin Dimanche : “Surprotéger son enfant lui nuit.”