Thursday, October 26th marked the inauguration of the Centre de Recherche en Psychologie du développement, de la Famille et des Systèmes humains (DéFaSy) at the Université libre de Bruxelles. This centre is home to several researchers, including those from the SAFE-SORRY team.
To celebrate this special occasion, DéFaSy hosted Dr. Bruno Humbeeck, psychopédagogue and Director of Research with the service of Family Sciences at the Université de Mons, for a thrilling conference titled “Identity construction among adolescents during lockdown”.
Dr. Humbeeck underlined the extent to which adolescents and young adults adapted in various ways during this unprecedent context and how schools should adapt to the new challenges of learning in this post-COVID-19 crisis period. There was a gift for the audience in the form of an important reminder: youth today have an enormous capacity for resilience—something to not lose sight of in times of uncertainty and disarray.