Several members of the SAFE-SORRY team are participating at the two-day Research Days gathering of the VNOP (the Dutch Association for Developmental Psychology), in Utrecht, Netherlands.
On Thursday, we will participate in a number of scientific workshops, focusing on grant writing and on team dynamics, among others. On Friday, we will contribute ourselves to the conference through a number of presentations. Specifically, Louise Mathijs will present the results of her meta-analysis that examined the differences in effectiveness of group-based vs. individual parenting programs. The presentation can be downloaded here.
You will also have the opportunity to see Elliana Lamprianidou‘s poster titled “When Sexting Becomes ‘Sexteen’: Exploring Parental Representations and Regulations of Adolescent Sexting”. The poster presents a study on parents’ attitudes and stategies concerning adolescent sexting, the practice of exchanging intimate electronic messages. Given the popularity of this practice among youth and popular media, we interviewed parents of adolescents to better understand their perspectives on this new phenomenon. You can download the poster here.
Finally, our research intern Alia Beydoun will also contribute to the conference. In particular, she will present her poster entitled “The mediating role of parental self-efficacy in the relationship between financial scarcity and parental overprotection”. The poster describes the theoretical background and the methodology of her master thesis, which she is conducting together with Lola Mertens, and which focuses on the determinants of overprotective parenting. The poster can be downloaded here.
See you in Utrecht!